About Us

Energy Vanguard is located in Decatur, Georgia but is known internationally for its leadership in the field of building science.  Our mission is to turn houses into high performance homes, and we do this by:
  • Teaching building science to professionals and homeowners
  • Designing high-performance heating, ventilating, & air conditioning systems
  • Assisting select clients with consulting or expert witness services

The Energy Vanguard office in Decatur, GA

Our clients are homeowners, home builders, trade contractors, home energy raters, BPI (Building Performance Institute) Building Analysts, manufacturers, and governmental bodies. We focus on training, consulting, and design and are a BPI Test Center.

We also write the Energy Vanguard blog, which has garnered praise from around the industry as one of the best blogs covering building science, heating & air conditioning, energy efficiency, and home energy audits. 

And the book by Energy Vanguard's founder, Allison A. Bailes III, PhD, will start shipping in October 2022.